Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is on a career high. He has allegedly agreed to play the host of reality show ‘Bigg Boss 7’ for a whooping Rs 5 crore per episode. This makes him the highest paid actor on television.
It is reported that Salman, who was getting Rs 2.5 crore per episode of Bigg Boss last year, has managed to get double the amount and will takean enormous amount of approximately Rs 130 crore as his salary (as he will appear in 26 episodes).
Not only will Salman get double the amount per episode, we will also get to watch him in a double role. With the theme of this year Bigg Boss being heaven and hell, we will see Salman donning the character of an angel and devil.
However, with legal proceedings of 2002 hit-and-run trial looming over his head, in which he faces charges of culpable homicide, Salman is keen to wrap up the shooting as soon as possible. Our sources reveal that he will shoot two episodes in a day per week.
With Salman in angel and devil avatar, Bigg Boss 7 will promise double dhamaka for all his fans.