Surrey City Council passes two bylaws to make for a greener city

IN the final regular Council meeting of 2020, Surrey City Council approved two bylaws that will make for a positive environmental impact on the City.

Amendments to the Surrey Tree Protection Bylaw will see penalties substantially increased for the illegal cutting of specimen quality trees from $2,000 to $5,000 and for protected trees from $1,000 to $3,000. The penalty for an offence related to a significant tree has also been increased from $10,000 to $20,000. The fines are per offence.

Council has also approved the Plastic Bans and Single-Use Items Bylaw which calls for the ban of plastic shopping bags, foam cups and foam take-out containers.

“While much of the focus of 2020 has been on fighting COVID-19, with a new year almost upon us, there is much hope that a return to normal is on the horizon,” said Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum. “That is why Council is renewing its focus on our environment. The bylaws that were passed at Council’s final meeting of 2020 is a precursor of the priorities we will be placing on bettering Surrey’s environment in the new year.”

“Surrey has long been a leader among municipalities when it comes to sustainability and we are well poised to be leading from the front come 2021,” said Councillor Allison Patton, Chair of the Agriculture, Environment and Investment Committee. “Council will continue to work proactively to ensure that Surrey continues to be at the forefront as a thriving, green and inclusive city.”

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