MORE preparatory work for the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain extension is about to get underway after City Council approved a $17.5 million contract during its Regular Council Meeting last week.
“The City of Surrey is moving full speed ahead on SkyTrain Early Works,” said Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum. “With funding secured from all levels of government, the $4 billion Surrey Langley SkyTrain will be built in one phase. Constructing the new SkyTrain line all at once will create a savings of $500-$600 million and will see the Surrey Langley SkyTrain delivered two years earlier. New rapid transit is long overdue in Surrey. At a time when the environment and global warming is at the forefront, the need to get people out of their fossil fuel burning cars and into transit has never been greater.”

The construction contract, awarded to B&B Heavy Civil Construction Ltd., consists of Fraser Highway widening to four lanes with cycling and pedestrian facilities and a widened centre median to accommodate the upcoming SLS Project. Works consist of road widening, concrete curbs, sidewalks, multi-use paths, retaining walls, street lighting, traffic signals, wildlife culvert, fish passage improvements and in-stream works. The contract includes roadworks at Fraser Highway from George Junction to East of 96 Avenue and culvert replacement work on Fraser Highway at Quibble Creek.
The contract work is expected to start this month and be completed by May 2023.
In fall 2020, Council approved an optimized four-lane Fraser Highway design between 140 Street and 148 Street through Green Timbers. The design establishes two lanes of travel in each direction in one of the most congested corridors in the City and an unfinished central median as Early Works to allow for the establishment of the future Surrey-Langley SkyTrain (“SLS”) guideway installation. On July 12, 2021, Council approved construction of the Fraser Highway improvements between 14200-Block and 148 Street. Phase 1 was predominantly completed in fall 2021 with completion of remaining in-stream work scheduled for June 2022.
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