Manmeet Singh has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the stabbing death of his 24-year-old wife, Ravinder Bhangu. The killing took place at the Sach Di Awaaz newspaper office in Surrey in July, 2011.
Ravinder Kaur Bhangu was working there as an administrative assistant.
During the attack, Bhangu ran through the offices yelling ‘save me’, but despite the efforts of a Good Samaritan, who stepped in to try and stop the attack, the 24-year-old died at the scene from multiple stab wounds.
Singh was arrested at the office and has been in custody ever since.
The couple had been married in 2009, but had split up a few months before the attack.
Friends said Bhangu had a deep passion for dance, and used to compete in the United States. She taught dance for free in Surrey and volunteered helping new immigrants adjust to life in Canada.
Singh has been charged with one count of first-degree murder, one count of aggravated assault and one count of assault with a weapon.
Crown and defence are proposing a 16-year period of parole ineligibility for Singh.