Suspects identified in break-and-enter into Guildford jewellery store in Surrey

SURREY RCMP have identified two suspects involved in last March’s break-and-enter into a Guilford jewellery store.

On March 31 at approximately 8 a.m., RCMP received a report of two suspicious individuals carrying a safe behind a business and they were observed loading it into a nearby vehicle.

Frontline offices arrived at the business, a jewellery store located in the 14600-block area of 108 Avenue, and found the store was closed; however, the rear door was ajar. Officers determined that entry into the store was made through a business on the second floor. The break-and-enter is believed to have occurred over several hours through a sophisticated series of events using tools and other entry devices.

The Surrey Property Crime Target Team (PCTT) took conduct of the investigation and the suspects, two men ages 51 and 27, have been identified.

Investigators have determined the 51-year-old man has since been deported from Canada on an unrelated matter, and the 27-year-old man is not a resident of British Columbia and a Canada-wide warrant is being sought for his arrest.

“Despite the elaborate planning that appears to have gone into committing this break-and-enter, it was the concerned citizen who reported them to police, who the suspects may not have accounted for,” said Cpl. James Mason, Surrey RCMP Media Relations Officer. “We want to thank this concerned citizen who observed the crime in progress and called police to report it.”