New Delhi – In two incidents, a three-year-old girl was raped by her school cab driver while a 26-year-old woman was gang-raped by three men in Delhi, police said.
Two people have been arrested in the two incidents.
The girl studying in a play school was raped by her school cab driver in west Delhi’s Khyala area Monday afternoon.
The driver, Simranjit Singh, 23, was arrested a few hours after the incident after the victim’s family approached police.
“He raped the girl inside his cab. Based on the victim’s medical report, the accused was arrested Monday afternoon,” said the officer.
In the second incident, a woman registered a complaint that she was gang-raped by Mukarram, Kasim and Naseem Monday night when she was alone at home in west Delhi’s Dwarka where she lives with her husband.
She told police that her husband had an argument with Mukarram a few days ago. Mukarram had threatened him with dire consequences.
Mukarram was arrested Tuesday. His associates are absconding, police said. IANS