Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall: Rezoning application received for new mixed-use high-rise development

Photo: City of Delta

THE City of Delta has received an application to rezone the Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall site to accommodate a proposed mixed-use development. The application will be introduced to Council for information at their regular meeting on December 2.

“The Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall development application marks the start of what will be a comprehensive process,” said Doreann Mayhew, General Manager of Development. “This is a significant proposal that requires a thorough review by staff before consideration by Council. Once this analysis is complete, a number of opportunities will be planned for the public to learn about this proposal, provide feedback and ask questions.”

The proposed Town Centre Master Plan outlines a transformative redevelopment of the site, which currently consists of a single-storey auto-oriented strip mall, grocery store, and parking lots. Over the next decade, the plan envisions the construction of approximately 1,400 owned and rental dwellings in four mixed-use towers of varying heights up to 24 storeys, complemented by adjacent low-rise residential buildings ranging from five to six storeys.

A key component of the application includes a proposed community contribution, as required by the Urban Centre (UC) designation in Delta’s new Official Community Plan. The owner is proposing the creation of a new “Community Hub” along 56th Street, featuring a library, a mobility center with bike storage and car share, and an outdoor community gathering space.

City staff will now review the application in detail, including assessments of traffic impacts, servicing requirements, zoning considerations and community impacts. Community consultation will then follow to provide residents with opportunities to ask staff questions, including through Delta’s Let’s Talk Delta engagement platform and in-person and online public information meetings. The application will then return to Council for consideration, along with feedback received from the community.

For more details about the application, residents can view the application documents, Council Report, and related resources at letstalk.delta.ca/ttc.


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