VANCOUVER Police are urging occupants of the Hastings Street encampment to be vigilant and report suspicious activity, after someone began distributed threatening flyers throughout the Downtown Eastside this weekend.
VPD said on Monday that it has launched an investigation to identify who is responsible for the flyers, which threaten to burn tents with gasoline and propane if people don’t leave within seven days. The flyers also include threats against Insite, the supervised injection site near Main and Hastings.
“We are working to identify the person or people responsible for these messages, which have understandably caused fear and anxiety in the Downtown Eastside,” said Sgt. Steve Addison. “Until we know more, we’re asking everyone to be extra vigilant, to look out for their neighbours, and to report suspicious activity.”
Anyone with information about the threatening posters is asked to call VPD’s Major Crime Section at 604-717-2541. Call 9-1-1 to report a crime-in-progress or an immediate safety concern.