OVER the B.C. Day long weekend, on average, five people are killed and 530 injured in crashes across the province. Fifty of these crashes are a result of impaired driving.
The B.C. government, police and ICBC are asking drivers heading off on road trips this weekend to make smart choices and warning that CounterAttack roadchecks will be set up across the province to keep impaired drivers off our roads.
ICBC’s top tips:
- Most crashes this weekend occur on Friday – so plan to leave on Thursday or Saturday morning if possible to avoid traffic congestion and possible delays. You should also make sure you get a good night’s sleep to avoid getting fatigued behind the wheel. Plan your route on drivebc.ca and include rest breaks or switch drivers every two hours.
- Do a pre-trip check – and check your engine oil, coolant levels and lights, and inspect your vehicle tires, including the spare, to make sure they’re in good condition and properly inflated. Make sure any camping or outdoor equipment is securely tied down to your vehicle before you take off.
- Summer means a high number of motorcyclists on our roads – so it’s vital to scan as you approach an intersection. Be ready to yield the right-of-way when turning left and keep in mind that it can be hard to tell how fast motorcyclists are travelling.
- Be patient with R.V. drivers – if they’re travelling below the speed limit in mountainous areas, they’re likely going uphill as fast as they can. If you’re driving your RV this weekend, be courteous and pull over when it’s safe to do so to let others by. This is much safer than a driver making an unsafe pass out of frustration.
- If you’re away from home – you may not be familiar with all of the options available to get home safely after you’ve had a few drinks. Check your options such as taxis, transit or shuttle services before you head out and program the information into your cell phone so you can relax knowing you have a plan to get home safely.
“Long weekends are a time of heightened road activity and it’s imperative we all make safe choices on the road,” said Suzanne Anton, Attorney General and Minister of Justice. “It’s unacceptable to drive while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and B.C.’s law enforcement and road safety partners will be making every effort to ensure British Columbians remain safe this long weekend. If you plan to drink, plan an alternative way home that considers the lives of all road users.”
“Take your turn as the designated driver this summer to help your friends and family get home safely,” said Lindsay Matthews, ICBC’s Director of Road Safety. “If your activities involve alcohol, plan ahead for a safe ride home – arrange a designated driver, call a taxi or take transit.”
“There’s simply no excuse for impaired driving,” said Chief Constable Neil Dubord, Chair of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police Traffic Safety Committee. “Police will be setting up Counterattack roadchecks across the province to catch impaired drivers this long weekend so our roads stay safe for everyone.”