B.C. Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson on Wednesday said the government’s proportional representation announcement “just continues Premier John Horgan’s campaign to stack the deck in a rigged game to favour his desired outcome of this NDP referendum” and accused Attorney General David Eby of creating “a confusing series of questions in an intentional effort to rig the results of the referendum.”
Wilkinson pointed out: “The Premier promised a simple ‘yes or no’ question. He broke that promise.
“The Premier promised an all-party committee of the legislature to consult with British Columbians on electoral reform. He abandoned that too.
“I am confident that British Columbians do not want their democratic rights altered by crass, political self-interest. Once again, this is a stacked deck in a rigged game and our future is too important to let John Horgan’s political ambition take over the integrity of our democratic system.”
But there is a yes or no question, and there will be an all-party committee. Mr. Wilkinson just likes the current rigged system because it’s rigged in his favour.