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I’m not pregnant: Esha Deol

Mumbai, June 5 (IANS) Actress Esha Deol has refuted rumours about being pregnant.

She took to micro-blogging site Twitter to set the record straight about her pregnancy.

“Sweet of the media, but I’m “NOT PREGNANT”,” tweeted Esha, 31.

“Would let the world know when that happens as it would be a proud moment for us,” she added.

Esha married businessman Bharat Takhtani June 29 last year. On the big screen, she was last seen in “Tell Me O’ Khuda”.

‘Rambo Rajkumar’ leaves Shahid bruised

Shooting high octane action scenes for “Rambo Rajkumar” has left Shahid Kapoor bruised and battered, but he says he is still raring to go.

“10th n last day of the action sequence for ‘Rambo Rajkumar’ today. Body bruised and battered. Spirit raring to go,” Shahid posted on Twitter early Wednesday morning.

The movie is being directed by Prabhudheva.

Shahid also escaped a fire accident on the movie’s set in May. He had ended up with burn injuries on his back and hand.

After Jaspal Bhatti, wife keeps the ‘Nonsense’ flag flying

By Jaideep Sarin

Chandigarh, June 5 (IANS) He was comedy’s famous Sardar and highlighted all that was nonsensical in society in his trademark style. For nearly three decades, comedian-actor-director Jaspal Bhatti entertained – and touched – the masses with his ‘Nonsense Club’ by highlighting social evils. After his tragic death in a car accident last October, his wife Savita Bhatti, wants to keep the flag flying high.

Faced with his sudden demise, Savita Bhatti thought that it would not be appropriate for her to drown in sorrow in the memory of a man whose aim was to bring smiles to the people’s faces and to entertain them.

“It was a hard time for us after his sudden death. But I decided to keep his Nonsense Club brand and his comedy style alive,” Savita told IANS in an interview.

Starting with an event in April this year, the first one after Bhatti’s death, the Nonsense Club re-grouped to bring out a satire on the plight of the Indian woman.

“We urged the government to declare women a commodity. Indian women are already being treated like market items. By labelling them so, it gives us the licence to do anything with them – buy and sell them, trade them, molest them, hurt them, dispose them of for a newer model. Literally do anything with them,” Savita Bhatti said.

The satire was against the rising crimes, especially rapes, against women and girls – including some as young as two and five.

Nonsense Club veterans Vinod Sharma, Lally Gill and Gurtej Tej were joined by students of Mad Arts, Jaspal Bhatti’s Film School, to sing a parody: “Yeh desh tha veer jawano ka, lekin ab hai shaitano, haiwano ka, is desh ka yaaro kya kehna, jaha ladki ka mushkil hai jeena…” (This country was of the brave but it is now in the hands of devils. What to say of this country, where life has become miserable for girls).

The event was organized at Bhatti’s favourite spot for his earlier activities – Chandigarh’s Sector 17 commercial hub. As earlier, hundreds stood to watch as the Nonsense Club staged its event.

“Jaspal Bhatti was the voice of the nation. He will continue to be the voice of the nation. We owe this to him,” said Savita Bhatti, the CEO of the film school.

“The Nonsense Club is not going to stop. We don’t want people to pity us. We are not here to prove anything to anybody. We will keep his legacy on,” she said.

Bhatti and a band of faithful friends had set up the Nonsense Club way back in 1982. At that time, Bhatti was a student of electrical engineering at the Punjab Engineering College (PEC) – also the alma mater of astronaut Kalpana Chawla. It was a runaway success with common people and the media for the way it highlighted issues.

The unique thing about the Nonsense Club is that it has no building, no permanent or life members, no venue and not even any regular meetings.

“The Nonsense Club has survived and done well in these three decades – delivering social messages to highlight the plight of the common man,” Bhatti’s long time associate and actor Vinod Sharma told IANS.

Among the earliest of street shows Bhatti did was the one to highlight the silting and drying up of Chandigarh’s famous Sukhna Lake in 1984 when the water level at the manmade lake went down. Bhatti and his Nonsense Club members ran into the dry areas of the lake, pitched wickets on it quickly and started playing cricket.

Among the issues Bhatti’s club has highlighted are bride-burning, the sale of bridegrooms, fuel price hike, Diwali gifts, black-marketing of cinema tickets, adulterated food, high onion prices, heavy school bags and sycophancy.

During his peak “nonsense” days, Bhatti rode horses, wrote and sang songs, had people throwing money at him and even faced criminal cases for hurting religious sentiments.

Greatly upset with Jiah Khan’s suicide: Amitabh

Mumbai, June 5 (IANS) Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan says that he is very upset over the suicide of actress Jiah Khan.

“I am very sad and also worried. It feels strange to talk about it. Sometimes there are situations when someone gets sad and depressed. They come with dreams and when it is not fulfilled, they give up. I want to say that to end your life like this is not good. I am deeply upset with what has happened with Jiah Khan,” he said at an event here Wednesday.

The 25-year-old Britain-born Jiah was found hanging at her flat in Sagar Sangeet Building in the posh Juhu area of northwest Mumbai around midnight when her parents had gone out.

Jiah shot into the limelight with her 2007 debut movie “Nishabd” in which she starred opposite Amitabh Bachchan. She was also seen in films like “Ghajini” and “Housefull”.

Arshad Warsi says no to knee surgery

Actor Arshad Warsi, who is in Goa for the shoot of his forthcoming film, is in deep distress. The actor was to choreograph a song, but had to cancel the shoot owing to severe knee injury.

He told TOI from Goa, “I have Chondromalacia Patellae, a disorder which happens to people who overuse their knees. I have been constantly active. I was a sportsman who became a dancer and an actor. I have never let my body rest. My cartilage is damaged because of which my knee cap touches the bone, causing extreme pain. I am undergoing physiotherapy and acupuncture on a regular basis. I had to cancel the shoot as I have been asked to rest for at least a week. My family is here too.”

Though surgery can cure the problem, Arshad is against it. “That is the last resort. It’s fine for organs like heart and kidney, but bone and muscle problems can be worked out with the right amount of rest and exercise.”

The actor has not been asked to reduce weight, as is suggested in most cases of knee ailments.

“My thigh muscles are solid. My problem has nothing to do with my weight. Besides, I am not overweight. I have been asked not to exert the knees. The song will be shot later. I will be back in Mumbai soon for a comic action scene, which is not too heavy.”

Banning Turbans & Patkas Is Racist


turbans page one (FRONT)

Sikhs in Quebec who want to play soccer cannot do so now if they are wearing turbans or patkas. This ban by Quebec is highly racist & objectionable. As is quite natural, prominent political figures have denounced this ban and have urged Quebec to overturn it. But strangely NDP and even The Liberals, who are otherwise quite vocal on other issues, have chosen to remain silent on this important one.

Let’s see what the Federal Sports Minister, Bal Gosal had to say about this issue in the house.

” Mr. Speaker, we believe that amateur sports like soccer should encourage the participation of children rather than exclude them. We see no valid reason why kids should be banned from playing soccer because of their religion. I encourage the Quebec Soccer Federation to follow the lead of soccer leagues across Canada and around the world not to create barriers for children who want to play the sport they love. Furthermore, Mr. Speaker, the leader of the NDP and the leader of Liberal party should be ashamed of their silence on this matter. Thank you, Mr. Speaker”, said Bal Gosal.

It is also quite strange that the same BC NDP and Liberal MPs keep speaking vehemently against the injustices done hundred years ago when the occupants of Komagata Maru ship were denied entry into Canada. But they do not want to say anything much on this current issue which affects more than 200 young Sikhs in Quebec who cannot play soccer because of their religious beliefs.

It is quite hard to explain to a five-year-old kid that he cannot play soccer with other kids because he is wearing a patka. Let’s also see the highly insensitive statement of Brigitte Frot, the Director-General of Quebec Soccer Federation.
“They (these kids) can play in their backyard. But not with official referees and with official rules of soccer. They have no choice”, said Brigitte Frot.

This seems to be a clear case of political compulsions. The leader of NDP does not want to say anything (and he does not want any of his MPs & MLAs to say anything on this issue either) to alienate Quebec because it remains an important province in terms of seats.

But this is a question of young kids who are being denied their freedom to play. This should not be about politics.

The Quebec Soccer Federation did not have any figures to suggest that wearing a turban or patka can be dangerous on the soccer field. They do not have the figures because there has been no instance of a security risk because a young kid is wearing a patka and playing. This ban is simply racist. And the people who have been entrusted by the voters to speak up about such glaring issues should speak up about it.

On Thursday, a game on the soccer pitch at the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar Sikh Temple in LaSalle (Montreal) was organized by young kids wearing patkas as a protest against the decision by the Quebec Soccer Federation. But that arrogant soccer federation remains adamant.

In every other province in Canada, kids being raised in the Sikh religion can wear turbans on the soccer pitch while playing with their provincial associations. In Quebec, they cannot. Every sane person should speak up against this ban.

VIBC: Bringing The Streets to Life


In this on-going bhangra festival, VIBCs lunch time concerts have taken off! They are one of the free events that VIBC and the City of Bhangra Festival have hosted this year. In the spirit of showing the community what Bhangra is all about, the lunchtime concerts deliver an afternoon of free fun for all. These concerts include live performances, a bhangra how-to and a spectacular presentation of musical talent.

These concerts deliver on more than just their musical merit. These lunchtime gatherings bring everyone together in an afternoon of song, dance and new experiences so everyone can get their bhangra on in the heart of downtown Vancouver. Celebrate, learn, laugh and experience with the lunchtime concerts.

There are a wide range of up and coming events in this year’s HSBC City of Bhangra Festival! From morning to night, outside and indoors, we have you covered. Coming back for a second round, rePercussion is back this time in Surrey, with special guest Sunil Kalyan. Come check out the outstanding lineup of rePercussion inlduing Sal Fererras, Paul Bray, Celso Machado and many more.

Christy Clark Unveils Her New Cabinet; Amrik Virk Is Minister Of Advanced Education

inspector amrik virk (FRONT MAIN)

BC Premier unveiled her new cabinet in Vancouver on Friday reflecting her focus on the economy and jobs. Amrik Virk has been named Minister of Advanced Education.

Her new 19-member cabinet, announced in a event packed with the province’s whos-who at the very tip of Canada Place, is an increase from the stripped-down 17-member version she took into the May 14 election.

Clark began her announcement restating her campaign promise to hold the line on costs, and to promote international trade of the province’s natural resources.

As promised during the May 14 election, Clark named a new ministry for natural gas, reflecting her expectation the growing LNG sector will fuel her plans for economic stimulation.

In choosing her new cabinet, Clark had to replace two key ministers, Margaret MacDiarmid and Ida Chong, who lost their seats in the election. She also had to replace jobs, tourism and skills minister Pat Bell, who did not seek re-election.

Clark lost her own seat of Vancouver-Point Grey to the NDP’s David Eby but this week announced she will seek a seat in a byelection in Westside-Kelowna.

The cabinet ministers are:
– The Deputy Premier and the Minister of Natural Gas Development and Minister Responsible for Housing will be Rich Coleman.
– The Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation will be John Rustad.
– The Minister of Advanced Education will be Amrik Virk.
– The Minister of Agriculture will be Pat Pimm.
– The Minister of Children and Family Development will be Stephanie Cadieux.
– The Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development will be Coralee Oakes.
– The Minister of Education will be Peter Fassbender.
– The Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review will be Bill Bennett.
– The Minister of Environment will be Mary Polak.
– The Minister of Finance and Government House Leader will be Michael de Jong.
– The Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations will be Steve Thomson.
– The Minister of Health will be Terry Lake.
– The Minister of International Trade, Minister Responsible for Asia Pacific Strategy and Multiculturalism will be Teresa Wat.
– The Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour will be Shirley Bond.
– Reporting to Bond, the Minister of State for Tourism and Small Business will be Naomi Yamamoto.
– The Minister of Justice and Attorney General will be Suzanne Anton.
– The Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation will be Don McRae.
– The Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services will be Andrew Wilkinson.
– The Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure and Deputy House Leader will be Todd Stone.

Indo-Canadian Dave Sharma appointed envoy to Israel

dave sharma

37-year-old Vancouver-born Devanand Sharma, who is now an Australian diplomat, has made history by becoming Australias youngest ambassador after he was appointed as Canberra’s envoy to Israel.

“I was born in Vancouver moving to Parramatta in Sydney (Australia) in 1979. At that time we were the only Sharma listed in the Australian telephone book. I grew up in Sydney but remain in close touch with the Indian side of my family,” Sharma was quoted by J-wire as saying said.

Devanand Sharma, popularly known as Dave Sharma, Australia’s new envoy to Israel is only the second Australian-Indian to be appointed ambassador, the other being Peter Varghese who was Australia’s Ambassador to India. Varghese was born in Kenya to Malayali parents.

Australia’s foreign minister Bob Carr last month had announced that Sharma will replace Andrew Faulkner as the country’s ambassador to Israel in June.

Sharma, who was born in Vancouver and moved to Sydney in 1979, said he wants to change how Australians think of the Middle Eastern country.

Sharma’s lineage can be traced to Uttar Pradesh and his grandfather migrated to Trinidad in 1908 from India.

Talking to a local daily in Melbourne recently after his new appointment, Sharma said, “When Australians think of Israel, they think of conflict in the Middle East.”

“But I want to broaden the understanding of what Israel is to a country like Australia,” he said.

Sharma grew up in Turramurra and graduated from Turramurra High School in 1993.

After finishing school he studied at Cambridge University followed by medicine at the University of Sydney, and then a Masters in International Relations from Deakin University.

Sharma said Australia could learn from Israel on technology and innovation, while stronger links between universities could be set up.

He said Australia supported a two-state solution to the Israel and Palestine conflict, but would not have a major role to play in negotiations.

Sharma has earlier served in the Australian diplomatic offices as counselor at the Australian embassy in Washington, third secretary at the Australian high commission in Port Moresby and as senior civilian adviser with the Peace Monitoring Group in Bougainville.

He was also an adviser to foreign minister Alexander Downer from 2004 to 2006.

The Indian-origin diplomat is a senior career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and was most recently assistant secretary in the Africa branch, and previously, acting first assistant secretary, international division in the department of prime minister and cabinet.

Sharma will be accompanied to Israel by his wife Rachel and their three daughters.

Raising Day Celebration Of Indian Ex-Servicemen Society Of BC

surrey ex-servicemen raising day president

Raising Day of the Indian Ex-Servicemen Society of BC was celebrated at Lovely Banquet Hall which was attended by 85 members. The President, Col. Darshan Singh Sidhu welcomed all members and guests. The president apprised the members and guests that the society has attained the age of 18 years.

The need for this society was felt by its Founding President (Retd) Lt Col Pritam Singh Jauhal. At that time, there was no such organisation or office that could look after the welfare of Indian ex-servicemen living in BC. With his dedication, drive and determination, Lt Col Pritam Singh Jauhal took the initiative to call all ex-servicemen living in Vancouver at The Grand Taj Banquet Hall in Surrey on May 13, 1995 and proposed to form a welfare society in BC. His proposal was unanimously agreed to by all the 300 members who contributed financially as well as provided office equipment and furniture.

Lt Col Pritam Singh Jauhal was elected first president of this society. Captain Lakha Singh Mann was elected as the first secretary of this society, who did maximum hard-work single-handedly to raise this society in spite of numerous initial difficulties.

Lt Col Karnail Singh Parihar did a yeoman`s service by writing down By-Laws for this society. The society is today enjoying the fruits of the hardwork done by all the founding members.
This society is located at 8236 Avenue & 128 Street in Surrey and functions from 11am to 2 pm on all working days.

All ex-servicemen living in BC are requested to become members by paying $20 for the whole year. Captain Mohinder Singh Jaswal is the secretary who can be contacted at 604-501-3939 during office hours.

At the raising day celebration, Lt Harpal Singh Brar took the stage for the entertainment of the guests and Bibi Gurbax Kaur Grewal also read out her best-prepared songs. All members were served drinks & snacks. Everyone enjoyed the function and the sumptuous dinner. At the end president, Col. Darshan Singh Sidhu thanked all members, ladies and guests.