THE B.C. Green Caucus welcomed Monday’s Passenger Transportation Board’s announcement, saying it “brings expanded and enhanced transportation options one step closer to British Columbians.”
“I am thrilled that this is finally moving forward,” said MLA Adam Olsen, B.C. Green spokesperson for transportation and member of the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations.
“Going forward, it is of greatest importance that regulatory choices are based on sound evidence, and so it is critical that data is being collected now to establish clear baselines and that steps are taken to measure and assess the ride-hailing program as it rolls out.”
Olsen noted: “Improving mobility safely and sustainably and in a way that comprehensively integrates with other systems and industries such as TransLink and taxis is what our caucus has been advocating for since we first introduced ride-hailing legislation in 2016.”
He said: “There are two or three things that we will be keeping an eye on, including the boundary issue. Again, we will see what the data says, and then proceed. But as I have said before, this is also an opportunity to modernise the taxi industry, and we fully support PTB examining whether the current boundaries for the taxi industry need to be reconfigured. Has creating strict areas of control lead to the public being poorly served as opposed to developing a regional perspective that ensures the smart development of a transportation strategy?
“The PTB has honoured the integrity of the process that we undertook as a committee. For too long decisions about this industry were based on politics. Now we’re making progress in a way British Columbians can be confident about.”