RAVI Kahlon, Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation, and Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, in a statement in response to the U.S. International Trade Commission’s (ITC) global safeguard investigations into the imports of blueberries, said: “The majority of Canada’s exports of fresh blueberries to the U.S. originate in British Columbia. Our province’s approximately 800 blueberry growers are facing a U.S. trade investigation that could impact their livelihoods.
“The U.S. ITC could recommend tariffs or quotas if it finds U.S. blueberry growers are injured or are threatened to be injured by imports. In the meantime, B.C. growers face mounting legal fees and economic uncertainty. This impacts many of the hard-working people who rely on agriculture to provide for their families.
“The Government of British Columbia is working in partnership with the B.C. Blueberry Council and the Government of Canada to defend this industry. The Province is contributing funds to the federal government for economic research to strengthen Canada’s legal strategy. We stand together with our B.C. growers to protect this valued industry and the family-supporting jobs it provides.”