BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson on Wednesday slammed Premier John Horgan and his NDP government in the wake of the federal government’s financial commitment to complete the Trans Mountain Pipeline, sayiing: “Today, it became clear that B.C. taxpayers are going to be the ones paying for the ineptitude of John Horgan and the NDP government. Instead of the private sector paying to build this pipeline, taxpayers will now be responsible for cleaning up Horgan’s mess.”
Wilksinson added: “From day one, Horgan has known that he cannot block this project and chose to play politics instead of working for the best interests of British Columbians. The results of his actions are being felt all across the province, including the shattering of investor confidence. The hike in gas prices we are seeing now is only the beginning.
“Oil will continue to be shipped by rail through our communities despite the dangers, and tankers will continue to operate off our coasts carrying oil to Washington refineries. While Horgan risks the economic future of B.C. to hold on to power, our province may face the consequences of losing out on opportunity and prosperity.
“British Columbians across the province have expressed their support for this project, regardless of how hard the NDP try to downplay that fact. The Premier is creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and is embarrassing B.C. in the international community. The people of our province deserve better leadership than what we have seen from this minority government that continues to play politics with our future.”