THE Broadway Subway needs to go beyond Arbutus all the way out to UBC, says Vision mayoral candidate Chief Ian Campbell, who on Wednesday released his plan prioritizing better transportation in the Broadway Corridor.
“[Wednesday] was a great day for Vancouver commuters, but there is still more work to be done. Vancouver needs a mayor and council who have the experience to make this happen. A vote for Vision Vancouver for mayor and council is a vote to make Vancouver’s top transportation priority for the next four years extending Broadway Subway all the way out to UBC,” said Campbell, who was joined at VVC / Clark skytrain / bus stop with all candidates with the new Vision Vancouver team.
Extending the Broadway Subway, a project made possible by Vision Vancouver’s work and advocacy, will help build a fairer Vancouver where everyone can succeed together and no one is left behind, in a city we are proud to call home, he added.
“The Subway needs to go all the way out to UBC so Vancouver’s biggest post-secondary institution connects with the Broadway Corridor – the second biggest jobs hub in the province. Extending the Broadway Subway will help thousands of students, workers and city residents beat congestion by getting out of their cars and taking clean green transit. It will also grow Vancouver’s economy and support smart urban planning,” Campbell said.
As mayor, Vision Vancouver’s Chief Ian Campbell said he will take the following actions to lay the groundwork for getting the Broadway Subway built out to UBC:
Immediately initiate a third-party economic impact study of building the Subway all the way out to UBC, to bolster the case for senior government funding in advance of the 2019 federal election;
During the next Council term, extend the City’s Broadway Corridor planning process (currently underway) to go all the way west to UBC;
Personally champion a City-led, multi-stakeholder coalition of business, labour, non-profits, students and local residents to champion the project heading into the 2019 Federal election and beyond;
Fully support Phase 3 of the Mayors’ Council 10-year vision and work with Metro Mayors to begin planning the next 10-year plan for the Metro region; and,
Work with TransLink and city transportation staff to enhance the existing bus service to UBC to move towards Bus Rapid Transit quality, to support transit riders in the near term.
“It is absolutely critical that the next Mayor of Vancouver is firmly committed to getting the Subway built out to UBC – we can’t have someone who will waffle or doesn’t know where they stand,” added Campbell. “We have provincial and federal governments that are making transit investment a priority. UBC President Santa Ono says UBC will pay its fair share and contribute financially to making the Subway extension happen. The next four years are a huge opportunity for our city.
“As the lead negotiator with the Squamish Nation for 20 years, I have the experience working with senior levels of government to make complicated deals happen. I am the Mayoral candidate with the right skill set to get the Broadway Subway built out to UBC, and by electing me and the Vision Vancouver team, we will make sure this project is Vancouver’s top transportation priority.”