Candlelight Vigil for Peace to Celebrate 14th & 15th August together

To celebrate the independence from British Colonial rule, strengthen Indo-Pak relations and also to pay homage to those who died during the 1947 riots that followed the Partition, The Committee of Progressive Pakistani Canadians, is holding a Candle Light Vigil in Surrey. In this small initiative of Peace we have in collaboration with Fraser Valley Peace Council, Professor Mohan Singh Foundation and Indo Canadian Workers Association.

When: Today,14th August Eve At 7:30 pm
Where: Holland Park (Corner of King George Boulevard and 100 Avenue) in Surrey

We are going to organise this vigil to express aspirations for PEACE for the people of Pakistan and India for a better and peaceful future having good relations as neighbors.
South Asian diaspora here need to let the leaders of India & Pakistan know that we want to stop the arms race and create an atmosphere of mutual trust. In this unique show of solidarity and friendship, please join with your families and lit the candles of hope with us.

Hind Pak Dosti Zindabad!


Shahzad Nazir Khan

On behalf of
Committee of Progressive Pakistani Canadians,
Fraser Valley Peace Council,
Indo Canadian Workers Association and
Prof. Mohan Singh Foundation