City of Vancouver recognizes September 19 as civic holiday

VANCOUVER City Council on Thursday declared September 19 as a civic holiday.

Vancouver City Hall will be closed on Monday. Other essential City public services will continue operating, and 3-1-1 will remain open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. as usual.

More information is available for City Services at:

Park Board facilities will be open and will be adding options for families who find themselves without childcare and/or youth care support. Recreation facilities will remain open as they have been deemed an essential service to their communities.

The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation will be posting a list of additional programs being offered for school-aged children on Monday, September 19 at at 10 a.m. on Friday, September 16.

Vancouver Public Library branches will remain open as per usual Monday hours. More information can be found at

As a City of Reconciliation, the City said it maintains its commitment to advancing the Truth and Reconciliation calls-to-action, including the importance of educating the public on the ongoing impacts of colonization. The City said it recognizes that this day will likely bring up a variety of complex and varied emotions for people of all backgrounds, and it encourages people across Vancouver to use the day as one of reflection.