THE BC RCMP have notified the Independent Investigations Office of British Columbia (IIO BC) of an incident in Langley where a man suffered a serious injury.
On March 27, at approximately 8:45 a.m., frontline Langley RCMP officers attended a home to apprehend a 30-year old man under the Mental Act. He was transported to a hospital where he was certified by a physician.
Shortly before 12:30 p.m., police were advised that the man had walked away from the hospital without being released. Officers contacted the man’s family who confirmed that he had returned home.
An officer returned to the home and reportedly saw the man riding a bicycle towards him. There was a collision between the police vehicle and the bicycle.
The man complained of pain and BC Emergency Health Services attended to transport him to the hospital. While there, it was determined that he had suffered serious injury.
All aspects and circumstances of this incident will be the subject of independent investigation by the IIO BC (