Minister of State Mitzi Dean not running for re-election to “put full focus on my health”

Mitzi Dean

MITZI Dean, Minister of State for Child Care and MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin, on Saturday announced that she was officially withdrawing her name from consideration for the BC NDP nomination for the riding of Esquimalt-Colwood, because “I must put my health and the wellbeing of my family first.

She added: “The personal challenges of this past year have taken a significant toll on me and as I reflect further, I must put my full focus on my health.”

She thanked “the people of Esquimalt, Metchosin, Colwood and View Royal for the honour of my life.”

Premier David Eby said: “Today Mitzi has advised me that she will not be running again with the NDP in this election for personal reasons. I agree with those reasons, and wish her the best with the difficult personal work she has ahead. I am very grateful for her selfless efforts and the many sacrifices she made to work for the people of British Columbia for so many years.”

He added: “Mitzi will be on leave from her minister of state role effective immediately in order to be focused on her health for the three weeks remaining in her term as MLA. We will make an additional announcement regarding the BC NDP nomination for Esquimalt-Colwood in the near future.”