MLA Sam Sullivan responds to NDP’s allegation of BC Liberals promoting bad landlords


MLA for Vancouver-False Creek

RE: NDP slams BC Liberals for doubling down against “wacky” renters by supporting unlimited rent increases

Beyond breaking their promise of a $400 renters’ rebate, the NDP are twisting facts when they equate a basic concept like supply and demand to promoting bad landlords. The government has become obsessed with suppressing demand and punishing growth. There is no plan to boost the supply of market rental housing. The reality is that bad landlords are able to exist and profit with the lack of competition in the housing market being deepened by the NDP and their inaction. We need to build more rental units to give people a place to live. Until that happens, bad landlords and unaffordability will persist in this province.

Our research shows that fewer than eight per cent of the units promised by the NDP are actually open today. Most of these units are modular housing which does nothing to bolster the rental market. It’s clear to me that the NDP have no plan to develop the housing market in B.C. and as a result, renters continue to suffer.

What we have in this province is high demand and no supply. These conditions are chaotic and unbelievable for renters in this province. The everyday renters being hurt by the NDP policies aren’t looking for homes on a government website, they’re searching on places like Craigslist and Kijiji. If the NDP don’t let the market work for renters, they will be worse off tomorrow than they are today.