A dozen residents, including a South Asian, from across Metro Vancouver have been named to the Mobility Pricing Independent Commission. The commission will soon begin the important work of examining how pricing could potentially solve key transportation challenges in our region.
These new members join commission Chair, Allan P. Seckel, and Vice-Chair, Joy MacPhail, who were named to lead the commission when it officially launched last month.
The new members are active contributors to their communities, with backgrounds in business, education, social service, labour and industry.
The 12 members include Harj Dhaliwal. Dhaliwal is a Surrey resident and has had a number of lead roles in youth soccer including his current role as chair of the South Fraser District Association. He is Associate Dean of Marketing Management at British Columbia Institute of Technology and has held marketing and business development leadership roles in the private sector.
The other members: Iain J.S. Black, Jennifer Clarke, Paul R. Landry, Graham McCargar, Lori MacDonald, Gavin McGarrigle, Michael McKnight, Elizabeth Model, Bruce Rozenhart, Philip (Pip) Steele, and Grace H. Wong.
Seckel said: “We’re eager to engage the public and get their input as we explore ways we might address the serious and growing issue of congestion in our region. The commission staff is already hard at work putting together a plan for its research and public engagement, and we expect to begin the first round engagement in the fall.”
Launched by the Mayors’ Council and TransLink on June 6, the independent commission will study options for mobility pricing, engage broadly with the region in the coming months, and use those findings as key inputs to help inform and guide its recommendations for a “made in Metro Vancouver” solution. Public and stakeholders from across the region will be able to take part in the commission’s work through a variety of engagement opportunities across Metro Vancouver and online.
The Mayors’ Council and TransLink 10-Year Vision for Metro Vancouver Transportation committed the region to exploring mobility pricing in order to help reduce congestion, promote fairness and support transportation investment. Mobility pricing would build on and support other elements of the 10-Year Vision, including new investments in transit and transportation infrastructure throughout the region.
A small expert staff team is supporting the commission’s research, technical and engagement work, and is led by internationally recognized mobility pricing expert, Daniel Firth, who is its Executive Director.
The commission will deliver recommendations to the TransLink Board and the Mayors’ Council by spring 2018.
See the full list and biographies of commission members here.