ONTARIO is helping launch Fire Prevention Week 2014 and encouraging families to test their smoke alarms to make sure they are working. The theme of this year’s Fire Prevention Week, which runs from October 5 to 11, is “Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month”. Communities and fire services across the province, as well as the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, will be hosting a number of events to help raise awareness and keep people safe.
This year’s campaign features a video developed by the Burlington Fire Department called “Test Yours Today” that reminds everyone about the importance of maintaining and testing their smoke alarms monthly.
Functioning smoke alarms can increase chances of surviving a fire by up to 50 per cent and Ontario requires a working smoke alarm on every storey and outside all sleeping areas. Other fire prevention tips include:
* Testing your smoke alarms every month.
* Replacing smoke alarms after 10 years.
* Installing smoke alarms inside all bedrooms.
* Changing batteries in smoke alarms at least once a year.
* Developing and practicing a home fire escape plan so when the smoke alarm sounds, everyone knows what to do and where to meet.
* Ensuring the plan takes into account the unique needs of everyone in your family.
* Reaching out to neighbours, friends and relatives who may need assistance with maintaining and testing their smoke alarms and developing a home escape plan.
Supporting programs that help prevent fires and keep people safe is part of the Ontario government’s plan to invest in people, invest in our neighbourhoods and build stronger communities.
Quick Facts
* Fire Prevention Week runs from October 5 to 11.
* Over the last five years, in 35 per cent of fatal home fires, there was no smoke alarm warning. In 13 per cent of those, there were no smoke alarms present.
* You may only have seconds to escape a fire in your home.