ONTARIO is providing $3 million to help front-line responders contain the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and is encouraging the public to match the donation.
The government is providing $1 million to Médecins Sans Frontières, and another $2 million to the Red Cross to support these organizations’ efforts to treat patients in affected countries, train staff, raise awareness and prevent further transmission.
The current Ebola outbreak, which began in West Africa in March 2014, is unprecedented. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared Ebola a public health emergency of international concern on August 8, 2014.
Joining international responses to prevent the spread of Ebola supports ongoing efforts to ensure Ontario has the right tools and protocols in place to contain and treat any potential case of Ebola in the province, and to protect the safety of all Ontarians, including health care workers.
Quick Facts
* Ontario has already taken a number of steps to ensure the province’s readiness in dealing with any potential cases of Ebola. This includes asking the Interim Chief Medical Officer of Health to issue a directive to health care employers regarding both personal protection equipment and protocols to ensure that front-line health care workers are protected.
* In collaboration with health system partners, Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care continues to monitor the Ebola situation to assess the risk to Ontarians and to ensure that our system remains prepared.
* Ontario’s health care facilities have sophisticated infection control systems and procedures to protect health care providers, patients and all Ontarians.