TO ease congestion and help ensure that residents conducting business at City Hall can find parking, the City of Vancouver is making changes to parking regulations at its 12th and Cambie lot.
Starting September 3, visitors to Vancouver City Hall will pay $2 an hour to park, and parking will be limited to two hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. People speaking at Council will be able to extend their parking and it will be possible to park for longer outside of business hours. After hours, parking time can be extended.
On Council days, registered speakers can request a pass from City Hall Security that will allow them to park for a longer period, however they will still need to pay the $2 hourly rate to park.
The surface parking lot at City Hall has previously been free, with parking restricted to a maximum of two hours, however this has been difficult to enforce and has made it difficult for residents to find a parking space when they come to City Hall to conduct business such as paying bills or meeting with staff or elected officials. EasyPark will enforce the new parking regulations at the lot.
Parking meters will be installed before September 3, and between August 26 and September 2, EasyPark will issue warnings to raise awareness of the new parking restrictions.
In addition to the surface parking lot at City Hall, there are a variety of nearby parking lots, metered street parking and limited two-hour free parking in surrounding areas.