Safe Surrey Coalition calls out Brenda Locke’s dereliction of duty as councillor

A Surrey policing petition campaign event attended by Councillor Brenda Locke on Saturday saw a ticket issued for blatant disregard of City by-law 13480, which prohibits advertising of any kind in the city’s public parks, the Safe Surrey Coalition said in a statement on Sunday.

As a City councillor, Locke has a fiduciary obligation to adhere to City of Surrey by-laws. As such, Locke’s reaction which undermined the statute and questioned the integrity of City of Surrey frontline workers, is disgraceful and unbecoming as an elected representative of the people, the Safe Surrey Coalition added.

It pointed out that Locke told the media that “somebody is directing the senior management staff to do this,” suggesting that by-law officers upholding by-laws are somehow abnormal. Further, she said that “I think it’s quite a stretch of the imagination…the by-law that they claim was broken,” displaying a shocking disregard for the regulations she is tasked with respecting and abiding by.

Locke is not only inserting herself in what is branded as a citizens’ initiative, but is also encouraging members of the group to break the law, according to Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum.

“The by-law is clear and in place for the sanctity and enjoyment of all Surrey residents, regardless of political beliefs, race, religion, gender or cultural background,” noted McCallum. “Councillor Locke is well aware of our obligation as elected officials to make public spaces welcoming for everyone, and yet she has chosen to completely disregard this fundamental principle with her actions yesterday.”

It is also ridiculous to suggest by-law officers issuing tickets as part of their daily duties, for a range of infractions, is in any way politically motivated or directed by interference. This is a part of the core description of the job, and our by-law officers enforce Surrey statutes in every corner of the city, McCallum added.

The disrespect levied by Locke is treatment that these men and women working for the betterment of our community don’t deserve, he asserted.

“These are people that work hard to make sure our City is being the best that we can be, and so it is very discouraging to hear Councillor Locke’s dismissive attitude towards their work,” said McCallum. “I hope that for the remainder of this already failed campaign, members of the petition campaign can show more respect for the rules and the fine men and women serving with honour and distinction on behalf of the City of Surrey.”