IN August 2018, the Richmond RCMP Serious Crimes Unit began an investigation into an individual suspected of committing crimes against vulnerable women, and women in the sex trade. This alleged suspect is a Richmond resident.
On December 17, 2019, the BC Prosecution Service approved 14 charges against 49-year-old Satvir Singh Sanghera of Richmond. These charges include: sexual assault, administering a noxious substance, assault, theft, fraud, obtaining sexual services for consideration, transmitting intimate images of a person without consent and possession of child pornography. The current charges are related to incidents which are largely historical in nature.
“This investigation has led to several victims coming forward and it is alleged Mr. Sanghera targets vulnerable women and sex workers,” says lead investigator Constable Kenneth Lau.
Sanghera has been placed on several conditions which include:
– Not to attend public parks, swimming pools or community centres where there may be people under the age of 18,
– Not to engage in work or volunteer activities where there may be people under the age of 18,
– He is to have no contact or be alone with persons who are reasonably believed to be under the age of 18,
– He is to have no contact or communication with any sex trade agency or be alone with anyone who reasonably appears to be engaged in sex work,
– He is not to be alone with any woman who he knows to be, or appears to be impaired by alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances.
Sanghera’s next court appearance is scheduled for January 15, 2020.
Anyone who may have information about Mr. Sanghera can contact the police in the area in which they live.
Richmond RCMP has also set up a tips line to accept information. The number is 604-207-5185.