ON Wednesday, February 25, Surrey RCMP officers visited local high schools across the city to raise awareness against bullying in support of Pink Shirt Day.
Senior officers and those with the detachment’s Youth Unit wore pink in support of the campaign and helped spread the word about the negative impacts of bullying.
“The Surrey RCMP supports the Pink Shirt Day campaign because it brings awareness to an important issue that directly affects young people in our community,” says Surrey RCMP Community Services Inspector Ghalib Bhayani. “As police officers, we have a role to play along with educators and parents to help ensure the safety of students in our schools. By taking a stand against bullying we are encouraging youth to make positive choices about their behaviour.”
Surrey students can report bullying anonymously through the website www.psst-bc.ca. For more information and tips to share please visit:
* Youth in BC www.youthinbc.com
* Erase Bullying www.erasebullying.ca
* Kids Help Phone www.kidshelpphone.ca
* Need Help Now www.needhelpnow.ca