THE City of Vancouver on Thursday reminded residents that personal preparedness and community support are key to survival after an earthquake
To mark Shake Out Day, the City of Vancouver issued a reminder that residents should be prepared to be self-sufficient for more than three days if a major earthquake hits the area.
Speaking about the importance of earthquake readiness, Fire Chief Darrell Reid said: “When an earthquake hits, emergency responders will not

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be able to reach everyone immediately. Simple steps like having an emergency kit, knowing where your nearest disaster support hub is and supporting your neighbours will make a significant difference to everyone’s chance of survival.”
As well as asking residents to play their part in an emergency, the City has taken a number of steps over the last year to increase Vancouver’s resilience. These include:
* Initiating a review of possible measures to address the risk of serious damage to private buildings
* Launching a Resilient Neighbourhoods pilot program to create neighbourhood emergency plans, and map resources and volunteers in Vancouver’s communities.
* Coordinating more than 7,000 Vancouver Volunteer Corps <http://vancouver.ca/
* Integrating seismic upgrades to civic buildings and bridges.
The City of Vancouver also offers free Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness workshops, details of these and tips on preparing for an earthquake can be found at www.vancouver.ca/earthquake<ht