THE 2nd Annual Missing and Murdered Indigenous Men, Boys, and 2S+ (MMIMB2S+) Memorial March takes place on Friday, June 9, to bring awareness to this growing crisis and calling for justice.
Indigenous men and boys are six to seven times more likely to be murdered than any other group of individuals in Canada, a number that has been steadily increasing since 2014. In 2022 alone, Indigenous men and boys represented 32% of all missing persons alerts across the country. Of those who were reported missing, 30% are still missing or were later found deceased. Indigenous men are also tem times more likely to be shot and killed by police, representing 38% of the last 100 police-involved shooting deaths in Canada while only representing 5% of the Canadian population.
“Due to the colonial erasure of 2S identities in our communities, these same statistics do not exist for our 2S relatives. We do know they experience violence at rates far higher than other populations. As we celebrate Pride this month, we honour the lives of our missing and murdered 2S kin,” says a Metro Vancouver Indigenous Services Society press statement.
“It is essential we shed light on this dark reality for First Nations men in not only Vancouver, but also BC and Canada. It is equally important that we grieve and honour them by celebrating and recognizing their precious lives”, said Shane Point from the Musqueam First Nation.
“We were encouraged to start this march through the leadership of Indigenous women at an MMIP [Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons] event hosted by MVAEC [Metro Vancouver Aboriginal Executive Council] a few years ago,” said Curtis Ahenakew, member of the Ahtahkakoop First Nation and founder of the first MMIBM2S+ march. “The history of MMIMB2S+ goes way back with so many cases still unresolved. It is so important to bring awareness to this issue that continues to impact so many of our families and communities today, and to rightfully seek justice for all MMIMB2S+ people.”
MVAEC continues to invite Indigenous Communities to gather. At last year’s event there were over 60 community leaders. MVAEC Supports MVISS in its efforts to circle awareness for MMIMB2S+.
When: June 9, gathering at 9:45 a.m.
Where: VPD Headquarters, 2120 Cambie Street, to Creekside Park, 1455 Quebec Street
What: Speakers and ceremony for MMIB2S at Creekside Park with lunch feast to follow.