72 districts will have their boundaries adjusted; 41 districts will have their names changed
IN response to recommendations from the independent Electoral Boundaries Commission, the Province is introducing amendments to the Electoral Districts Act to make sure votes are weighted evenly across B.C.
“Every vote counts,” said Niki Sharma, Attorney General, on Monday. “As our province continues to grow, it’s critical that our provincial electoral districts equitably represent the people of B.C. These changes will make sure British Columbians can continue to have confidence their voices will be heard in the B.C. legislature.”

The amendments repeal the existing Electoral Districts Act and replace it with a new act to establish 93 electoral districts. This is an increase of six districts, with four new districts in the Lower Mainland, one on Vancouver Island, and one in the Interior.
The population of each electoral district should be within approximately 25% of the “electoral quotient,” which is the population of B.C. divided by the number of electoral districts. With the addition of six new districts, B.C.’s electoral quotient is 53,773. The usual deviation range is between 40,330 and 67,216 people per district. As a result of the new districts, 72 districts will have their boundaries adjusted. In addition, 41 districts will have their names changed.
These changes are in response to the independent and non-partisan recommendations of the Electoral Boundaries Commission’s report on electoral boundaries in B.C. The commission presented its preliminary report to the legislative assembly in October 2022, and the final report in April 2023. The legislative assembly voted unanimously to adopt the commission’s final report proposals on April 6.
The commission held 63 public meetings in 43 communities and received more than 1,800 submissions as part of the consultation process. If passed, these amendments will take effect for the scheduled 2024 provincial general election.
Quick Facts:
* The Electoral Boundaries Commission must include a judge or a retired judge of the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeal, B.C.’s current chief electoral officer and a third member recommended by the Speaker of the House in consultation with the Premier and leader of the Opposition.
* The Electoral Boundaries Commission Act requires that an Electoral Boundaries Commission be appointed after every second provincial general election to propose changes to the area, boundaries and names of electoral districts in the province.
* Under the Electoral Boundaries Commission Act, the commission may recommend adding as many as six new electoral districts in B.C.
Learn More:
To view the Electoral Boundaries Commission’s final recommendations for B.C.’s provincial electoral districts, visit:Â https://bcebc.ca/final-report/
To learn more about the Electoral Boundaries Commission, visit:Â https://bcebc.ca/

New electoral districts in British Columbia
Amendments to the Electoral Districts Act respond to the independent recommendations of the Electoral Boundaries Commission’s final report on electoral boundaries in B.C.
The commission recommends these changes in response to the province’s estimated population growth of 500,000 people since 2015 and projected population growth in urban areas.
There is a rapid rate of population growth in this area and two ridings are close to the top of the usual deviation range. The addition of a new riding will ensure room for growth in all ridings in the area by keeping populations balanced.
At 35% over the electoral quotient, Langley East is one of the most populous ridings in the province. Population growth is projected to continue in this area. A new riding will accommodate the current population and projected growth.
The Surrey area currently consists of nine ridings and its population is growing quickly. At present, two of the ridings are significantly higher than the usual deviation range. The addition of a new electoral district in the centre of Surrey, as well as other adjustments, will address these deviations as well as ensure room for continued population growth.
The Vancouver area presently consists of 11 electoral districts, most of which have seen significant population growth over the past eight years. Some of the electoral districts are either close to or over the usual deviation range and the population of the area is projected to continue to grow. Creating a new riding in this area addresses these deviations and allows for continued growth.
The population of Langford has grown by approximately 32% over the past five years and is projected to continue growing rapidly. To address this, a new electoral district is being added whose boundaries follow the municipal boundaries of the city of Langford and the district of Highlands.
The three current Kelowna ridings are growing at nearly twice the provincial average. In addition, the populations of Kelowna West and Kelowna-Lake Country are above the usual deviation range. A new electoral district will address this.
Six more ridings proposed by BC Electoral Boundaries Commission