All this in a city where half the population is visible minority.
What utter contempt for non-white people!
For many, this is nothing but sheer RACISM.
This is exactly why people have been demanding a WARD SYSTEM so that visible minorities would get FAIR representation as in Toronto. But this has been consistently sabotaged by white politicians and a white-dominated mainstream media to cling on to power at any cost.
What disgusting hypocrisy!
Even some white Surrey residents told me that is about time to have a non-white mayor and councillors who better reflect the DIVERSITY of the city.
Many South Asians want to know what Tom Gill’s role was in all of this.
Did he argue for more visible minority representation?
If yes, why isn’t he speaking out?
If not, why not?
Hepner INSULTED all South Asians when she told a Punjabi journalist who wanted to know why she didn’t have more than one South Asian in her slate that she had chosen the best.
So in her opinion the white guys are all BETTER than South Asians – we are a bunch of morons who are being used by the white man or woman!
It was a shame watching so many so-called South Asian leaders at the media announcement sucking up to Surrey First bosses.
And what about the Chinese and the Filipinos – and other visible minorities that form Surrey’s mosaic?
Shame on you, Hepner!
Watts said: “When I announced a few months ago that I would not be seeking re-election I knew it would be extremely important to have someone step forward as a mayoral candidate who would have integrity, experience, and common sense. A person who possesses the leadership skills to work with all levels of government for the greater good of our city and to lead with an experienced steady hand. Someone who has the ability to work with very diverse groups, bringing them together to build on the incredible work that our Surrey First team has been able to accomplish; someone who can take our city to the next level. Because of that, I fully support, without reservation, Linda Hepner as the Surrey First candidate for mayor.”
Well, what has Watts to say on the WHITE slate if she and Hepner really have even a bit of “common sense”?
Current councillors of the party – Judy Villeneuve, Bruce Hayne, Tom Gill, Mary Martin and Barbara Steele – will be joined by “Vera LeFranc, an advocate for employment, poverty reduction, crime prevention, housing and homelessness, and community economic development; Dave Woods, a 43-year RCMP veteran and proponent for community safety and business development; and Mike Starchuk, the current Chief Fire Prevention Officer of the Surrey Fire Services and active community member in community health and safety initiatives.”
Welcome, to the WHITE WORLD of Surrey First!