(These are FREE listings. Submit your event / announcement at EditorVoice@gmail.com)
Diwali Celebration: Muriel Arnason Library
Saturday, October 13, from 1 to 3 p.m..Muriel Arnason Library and the Township of Langley are celebrating their 15th annual Diwali (Festival of Lights). Everyone is cordially invited to experience diversity of culture through crafts, face painting, Henna, Indian music and dance, displays, and delicious refreshments. The library is located at 20338 – 6th Avenue. Phone: 604-532-3590.
BC-India Business Network
The BC-India Business Network is holding the 2018 Annual Grand Diwali Gala at The Ballroom, Fairmont Waterfront, 900 Canada Place, Vancouver, at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 13.
Dr. Ambedkar Awards Night / Memorial Lectures
Chetna Association of Canada: Dr. Ambedkar Awards Night will be on Sunday, October 14 at 6 p.m. at Vancouver’s Fraserview Banquet Hall. The guest lecturer will be Santosh Das, who will share her views on the legacy of Dr. Ambedkar and the efforts being made to counter prevalence of caste based discrimination in the United Kingdom. Das will deliver her lecture at SFU on Saturday, October 13 at the Surrey campus at 1 p.m. and will attend the awards night as a special guest. For information, email at jpbirdi@gmail.com.
Substance Use Among Youth & Smoking Cessation
Smoking cessation workshop, led by Fraser Health, is offered on Thursday, October 18 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the George Mackie Library. Your readiness will be assessed, you’ll learn strategies to quit and you’ll leave with resources to support your journey. To register, call 604-507-5445.
Canadian Citizenship Test Preparation
Two-day workshop to prepare for Canadian citizenship. The sessions will be facilitated by MOSAIC staff. They will talk about topics such as Canada’s history, symbols, government and geography, as well as the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Free service. Registration required. October 18 & 19, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at MOSAIC Surrey Office, #200-7134 King George Boulevard. Contact: Faustin at 778-591-9334, ext. 105 / fbilikano@mosaicbc.org.
Newton BIA: Extraordinary General Meeting
Newton BIA’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of 2018 on Thursday, October 18 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Newton Cultural Centre, 13530 72nd Avenue. Surrey All businesses and property owners within the Newton BIA area are invited to attend (no charge). Coffee and light refreshments will be served throughout. During the EGM, there will be a vote on the following 3 motions: * To renew the Newton Business Improvement Association for a five-year mandate * To adopt a levy strategy for the next five years as part of the BIA renewal * To adopt the proposed 2019 budget as presented by the Board of Directors of the BIA. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. for registration / networking. Registration is required. Coffee and light refreshments will be served throughout.
Hiring Fair in Richmond
On Friday, October 19, 1-4 p.m., at Richmond Public Library Brighouse Branch, 100 7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond. In partnership with Richmond Public Library Brighouse Branch, Richmond Multicultural Community Services will have a hiring fair. This is a free event. Job seekers can bring their resume and come to meet potential employers in the community. This event is open for everyone. Permanent Residents bring your PR Card. For registration or more information, contact Mozhgan at mozhgan@rmcs.bc.ca / Bhavana at bhavana@rmcs.bc.ca, or call at 604-248-0433.
Indo Caribbean Canadian Cultural Society: Diwali Celebration
The Indo Caribbean Canadian Cultural Society of BC is holding its Diwali Celebration on Saturday, October 20 at Khanna Banquet Hall, 11267 125A Street, Surrey. Adults: $20. Children 6-12: $10. Children 5 and under: Free. Vegetarian dinner and entertainment included. For tickets: Sheila Omaid at 604-438-9158, Shama Ramnarine at 604-936-3194, Annette Bacchus at 604-529-9079, James Prasad at 604-644-3751, Hari Singh at 604-731-4354, Sherman Ramoutar at 604-522-2170, Ram Ramsaroop at 604-581-2590 and 604-722-5892.
Altruyouth Association & Song Creative Mentorship
Present a youth conference and networking event to connect with peers and professionals to share your dreams, unlock your passions and discover your pathways at on Sunday, October 28 at Surrey Arts Center, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Non-profit event. Tickets online: $25. Speakers, performers, aspirers, role models, knowledge-sharers, exhibitors, door prizes, photo booth, catered lunch. Keynote: Ravi Singh, Khalsa Aid Founder. www.sparkwithin.org. Phone: 778-835-7898.
Central City: Halloween Fun Event
Families are invited to come to Surrey’s Central City from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, October 31 for a spooktacular time at the centre’s free Halloween Fun Event. Kids ages 12 and under, dressed in costume, can take part in centre-wide trick-or-treating at participating stores (while limited treats last). Plus, families can enjoy Halloween craft activities, face-painting, balloon artists, entertainment, story-time (with Black Bond Books), and more (near Winners). For more information on this free event, visit www.centralcity.ca.
(For more events, visit the “Events” section of our website at voiceonline.com)