Why Mewa Singh killed William Hopkinson– Revisiting the murder of a Canadian Immigration Inspector written by Gurpreet Singh will be released in Delta on Sunday (July 28).
When: Sunday July 28, 2013 (1pm to 3 pm)
Venue: Firehall Centre for Arts
11489, 84 Avenue
Delta, B.C.
At the event, reception & tour of the Komagata Maru painting exhibition by Jarnail Singh will be followed by welcome address by MC Naveen Girn, a research scholar, who is instrumental in identifying important places connected with the Indo Canadian history.
Georgia Straight Editor Charlie Smith will deliver speech on the history of racism and immigration in Canada and draw a connection between the struggles by South Asian Immigrants and the indigenous peoples for social justice.
Former BC Human Rights Commissioner Harinder Mahil will explain how racism and discriminatory policies in Canada contributed to the acts of resistance by the indigenous peoples and South Asian immigrants and how these challenges continue to prevail. Prominent speakers from the community will express their views followed by concluding remarks and speech by author Gurpreet Singh.