RESIDENTS and developers wanting to build or renovate in Abbotsford can now apply for a building permit digitally, track the status of their application online and move through the permit process more efficiently, thanks to a new online building permit application portal on the City of Abbotsford’s website.
As part of its Digital Development Delivery program, the City has revamped the building application and permitting process, now enabling residents and builders to submit a complete application online through a secure portal, increasing efficiencies in application administrative processing, which often includes frequent back-and-forth correspondence and in-person visits to City Hall.
Through the online portal, users will be able to:
- Submit building and demolition permit applications online 24/7;
- Upload all required and pertinent documentation and drawings for their project;
- Easily access, check and track the status of their application;
- Manage and coordinate multiple building permit applications throughout the City;
- Request and/or submit changes to their building permit; and,
- Access documents related to their building projects.
“Housing is a critical issue for a growing community like Abbotsford and we are always trying to increase housing opportunities so individuals and families can set down roots here. This new online building application tool will make it easier on both builders and City staff to go through the permitting process and into the building stage of any project, which will hopefully lead to more housing getting built in our community” said Abbotsford Mayor Ross Siemens on Tuesday.
“Modernizing and streamlining City services is one of Council’s strategic priorities, and we are optimistic this new online service will increase staff capacity, make the customer experience more pleasant.”
The new portal includes prompts throughout to help ensure users include and upload all the required information, drawings and documentation so as to submit a complete application. Received applications directly integrate with the City’s permitting system, which will significantly speed up the administrative processing and intake of applications.
It also increases access to resources for applicants, allows for the increased coordination of files and the ability for staff to maintain processing turnaround targets. Supporting customers in preparing their building permit applications, the City has multiple resources available including Building Permit Application Guides and checklists to help identify what documents and approvals are needed.
Development of this new portal was funded in part by the Province of BC, through the Local Development Approval Grant administered by the Union of BC Municipalities.
To learn more about the new online application process, or to access the portal, visit