THE City of Surrey says it has been proactively working in mitigating and responding to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the declaration of a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization and almost four weeks before the Province directed the cancellation of all events larger than 250 people on March 12, the City activated its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) on February 17 to prepare and deploy its COVID-19 mitigation strategies. The 10-Point Action Plan addresses the City’s top priorities of protecting the health of its residents and city staff and ensuring essential services, such as water, utilities, police and fire are safely maintained for the overall well-being of the community.
“The challenges of COVID-19 are being felt at every level of our society and Surrey is no different,” said Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum on Thursday. “What is helping us navigate through this uncertain time is the forward planning and the early activation of the City’s Emergency Operations Centre. Along with the 10 Point Plan, the City of Surrey has been able to learn, adapt, implement and continuously shift our response in our fight against COVID-19.”
The 10 Point Action Plan is a living document that represents the City’s commitment to fight the pandemic and is adjusted regularly as new information and scenarios arise. The guiding principle behind the plan is to ensure the greatest possible protection of the individual health of Surrey’s citizens and employees and to provide support for the economic well-being of the city’s businesses and communities both during and after the pandemic.
“Surrey’s 10 Point Action Plan is a proactive and measured response in how the City is responding to the pandemic,” said McCallum. “Equally important is how, we, as a community collectively respond. I am heartened that our residents have not let down their guard and have stayed the course to flatten the curve. I know that the hardship we endure now will result in a stronger and more resilient Surrey, post COVID-19.”
The 10 Point Action Plan is also available online and will be regularly updated here.