Full transparency from TeamSurrey: Disclosure of campaign donors now

Stephen Gammer and Linda Hepner
Stephen Gammer and Linda Hepner


TEAMSURREY announced Thursday that it fully supports transparent and candid disclosures of campaign donors to its municipal campaign. Further, TeamSurrey candidates are prepared to lead the way by disclosing its list of supporters on Thursday, while campaigning is still in full swing.

“It’s what we believe in – complete transparency. We have nothing to hide from the voters, so we don’t need to wait until after the election to disclose who is funding our campaign,” says Brenda Locke, TeamSurrey candidate and former MLA and cabinet minister. “We can disclose that information right now.”

In fact, TeamSurrey will bring this type of open disclosure and dialogue with residents to City Hall once its candidates are elected.

“We want voters in Surrey to know who is funding every candidate. We think voters should know the complete information on all candidates, not just us,” says Stephen Gammer, TeamSurrey candidate and local activist. “We think it’s time for the secrecy in Surrey to end.”