IN BRIEF: Kelly Chahal in Abbotsford First. Taxi problems. Wedding problems. Naturopathic doctors face lawsuit. Delta Councillor Jeannie Kanakos

Kelly Chahal
Kelly Chahal

KELLY CHAHAL IN ABBOTSFORD FIRST: One of the four candidates of the Abbotsford First Electoral Society for Abbotsford Council is Kelly Chahal. According to the website of the party, Chahal has been a community activist for the past 20 years and continues to volunteer with Canuck Place and The Fraser Valley Indo Canadian Business Association. She is currently a member of Senate with the University of the Fraser Valley, an ex-officio member of the UFV Alumni Board, and Advisory Board member for the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies. Kelly has developed and facilitated diversity training for various employment sectors and educational institutions in her quest to promote intercultural relations. Her experience and service have resulted in numerous service awards and acclamations. Kelly has her Master’s in Criminal Justice and works for the Ministry of Justice.


TAXI PROBLEMS AGAIN: The Vancouver Sun newspaper exposed a taxi racket in which some unscrupulous cabbies have been bribing unscrupulous door men or front desk staff at hotels – “$5 airport trip” fee – to call them directly instead of going through the regular system. This racket has been going on for years – and gets exposed now and then when some cabbies get so frustrated at being stuck with short trips that they blow the whistle.

Then you have all the taxi company bosses claiming that they thought they had stopped the racket and are surprised that it has started again. Well, frankly, nothing will stop this racket. They will suppress it for a while – and then it will start all over again.

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson ought to take this up with Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu and come up with some tough penalties to deter dishonest cabbies.


SOUTH ASIAN WEDDING PROBLEMS: Global BC TV did an expose of some South Asians using some palatial mansions to host typical India weddings that go on for a week with lots of loud entertainment – thus bugging their neighbours and even causing racism. Global featured a mansion in Surrey’s Panorama Ridge area. Some homes are even advertised on Craigslist with photos – I checked out some myself.

So the obvious questions crop up: Do these guys have the appropriate business licences? What is the City doing about it? Are bribes being handed out to some City staff and others to look the other way? What about taxes? I guess Revenue Canada should check it out.



NATUROPATHIC DOCTORS FACE LAWSUIT: B.C.’s College of Naturopathic Physicians alleges that Sam Samrai and Sarge Sandhu were offering a variety of injectable therapies without approval from the regulatory body, CTV reported on Thursday. According to a claim made in Vancouver Supreme Court, it is alleged that before March 2012, the couple held themselves out as naturopathic physicians, “falsely implying they were regulated by the College, raising concerns with the College about false advertising claims and unauthorized medical practices.”

CTV reported that the claim says the couple agreed not to continue in March 2012, but that the behaviour continued after that. That’s when an undercover investigation began with a hidden camera. CTV said the couple didn’t respond to their questions. The allegations have yet to be proven in court.


JEANNIE KANAKOS SEEKS RE-ELECTION FOR DELTA COUNCIL: Delta Councillor Jeannie Kanakos will be seeking re-election to Delta Council in the upcoming municipal election. Jeannie Kanakos served on Delta Council from 2005 – 2008, and is completing a second term.  She is known for tackling complex challenging issues and for doing her homework.  Kanakos provided leadership on the issue of the proposed thermal coal facility and supported the interagency panel established by Delta. She says, “I believe that Council makes decisions for now and for future generations and that we need a sustainable approach which balances our economic needs with our environment.”  Jeannie Kanakos is the Chair of the Heritage Advisory Committee, Delta Council’s Library Liaison and Vice Chair to the Environmental Advisory Committee. Jeannie Kanakos has a Master’s Degree from SFU, a Certificate in Negotiation from the Justice Institute of BC and brings professional experience as a Consultant in policy development, strategic planning, and project management.   Follow Jeannie on Twitter @JKanakos, on Facebook or contact her at