NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh on Saturday expanded on how he’ll make the ultra-rich and big corporations pay their share to fund the services Canadians need, saying that he is the only leader with a plan to pay for the help he’s promising for people.
“Even before the pandemic, Justin Trudeau was giving his rich and corporate friends a free ride while families were struggling to make ends meet. Justin Trudeau said he would change things but it’s clear he never had any intention of changing anything,” said Singh. “Better is possible, but we need to actually choose it. By making the ultra-rich and corporations pay their share, I will invest in things like expanding health care, fighting the climate crisis like we mean it, and making housing and everyday day expenses more affordable.”
He said Trudeau continues to say the right things, but after six years of broken commitments, Canadians know he’s more interested in looking like he cares about everyday families than working to make their lives easier.
The NDP said that throughout this election, Singh and his team of New Democrats have committed to fighting for a future that is more equitable, affordable, and hopeful for all Canadians.
Singh said his costing document outlines details about how he’ll fund CRA and collect tens of billions more from the ultra-rich and big profitable corporations. He will then invest in supports for families that will help put a roof over their heads, keep them healthier, and save them thousands of dollars every year.
“I will end the free ride Justin Trudeau’s been giving billionaires and crack down on the loopholes and unfair tax breaks that have helped the super-rich get ahead. I am not Justin Trudeau. I will work for people,” said Singh. “I will make the wealthiest pay their share and use the money to deliver better public services for people across Canada and make everyday life more affordable.”