I am the only candidate to put forward a bold plan in this leadership race, because it’s time for new ideas built around the fundamentals that have made our BC Liberal Party successful. We need a leader who can embrace the changes happening all around us and represent the future of our party and our province.
We need a leader with a bold vision and a plan who will inspire British Columbians to get behind our B.C. Liberal Party and defeat the NDP so we can keep our province on the right track forward.
My plan ensures that we make strategic investments in the programs and services that make life better for families and improve communities while continuing to balance our budget, grow the economy, and maintain BC’s reputation as a great place to invest and do business. Investments like a new hospital for Surrey including specialized pediatric care in partnership with BC Children’s Hospital.
I am also committed to opening up our party to attract more diversity, more women, and more young people. Because we can only reach our true potential when all British Columbians, regardless of ethnicity and background, and regardless of your gender or your religious faith have a full seat at the table.
It starts with a bold plan that addresses family affordability challenges, makes smart transportation investments, keeps taxes low, and ensures British Columbians have money in their pockets to decide what is best for them and their family.
Photography by John Lehmann