LIBERALS on Tuesday said that documents with Elections BC show a total of $672,576.38 in BC NDP donations from one international union – the largest contribution in a single year in BC provincial history.
“Once again, John Horgan is caught saying one thing and doing another,” said Liberals’ Vancouver-Quilchena candidate Andrew Wilkinson. “In the past year, the BC NDP’s coffers were filled with the largest donation in BC political history.”
Of the nearly $675,000, 82 percent was given after the Vancouver Sun printed a leaked memo from the United Steelworkers complaining that, “the party views the labour unions as an ATM; the only time our views are heard is when they are attached to a cheque.”
“The Steelworkers essentially threatened to turn off the tap earlier in the year—yet 82 percent of their near-$675,000 contribution came after the story ran in the Vancouver Sun,” said Wilkinson. “Horgan needs to come clean. What did Horgan promise the US-based Steelworkers in return for the largest contribution in BC provincial history?”
What was CN’s donation to Campbell’s election campaign before he gave BC Rail to them?