DOUG MCCALLUM’S HYPOCRISY ON POLICE AFFAIRS: Surrey mayoral candidate Doug McCallum was slammed right back by Surrey first mayoral candidate Linda Hepner and likely mayoral candidate Barinder Rasode when he sent a press release on Thursday stating, “In spite of electoral rhetoric calling for open meetings of the City of Surrey’s Police Committee (formerly known as the Public Safety Committee), the voting records of both [Hepner and Rasode] tell a far different story.” Hepner said McCallum knows that that protocol is followed in every city because it involves legal issues and could put police officers at risk. Incidentally, even The VOICE slammed McCallum when he was mayor for trying to pressure the RCMP not to issue press releases of bad news.
SOUTH ASIAN DUMP TRUCK DRIVER KILLED: A news report states that a 24-year-old dump truck driver who was killed on Wednesday in a single-vehicle crash was a South Asian whose name is Malhi, according to some Facebook posts. The crash took place just east of the 264th Street off-ramp. The dump truck with its trailer was believed to have crashed because of a mechanical failure, the RCMP said. There was speculation that a front tire burst.
SOUTH ASIAN FORCES BANK OF CANADA TO CORRECT FACTS: They say ‘faith can move mountains’ – so can the Bank of Canada! Toronto’s Hitesh Doshi has forced the Bank of Canada to rectify the wrong information it had put up on its website because he had happened to have hiked Mount Edith Cavell in the Canadian Rockies and the image on the new plastic $10 bill was not that of the mountain as claimed by the bank. The website had stated that the banknote featured the Edith Cavell peak on the left side of the bill, as well as Mount Marmot, Pyramid and Palisades mountains, and Mount Zengel. Now the bank says that the left side of the bill features Lectern Peak and Aquila Mountain, the centre shows Redan, Esplanade and Gargoyle, and on the right is Mount Zengel. Hmm, what’s in a name?!
FORMER HINDU PRIEST DENIED PAROLE: Karam Vir, the former Hindu priest who was jailed in 2013 for sex crimes involving two teenage girls in Abbotsford, has been denied parole because the Parole Board of Canada says he refuses to admit his guilt and maintains that the girls made false claims against him. Vir will most probably be deported to India when he is released from prison.