GURDIP Singh Sahota, General Manager of North Shore Taxi, is hoping that West Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver follow the example of the City of North Vancouver and pass a motion that would prevent Uber from operating in their jurisdictions as well.
The City of North Vancouver passed a motion earlier this month, stating that it reaffirms “its commitment to enforce its current vehicle for hire bylaws for all vehicles for hire within the City of North Vancouver” and calls “upon the Prvovince of BC to continue to ensure all vehicles for hire in the Province be required to acquire a licence through the Passenger Transportation Board on an equal basis and on the basis of public need, the suitability of the applicant, and the heakth of the taxi industry.”
The motion also stipulated that the City write to the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure to that effect.
Last week, Mayor Darrell Mussatto sent a letter to Minister Todd Stone about the City of North Vancouver’s support for the taxi companies.
Sahota said this week: “We thank Mayor Mussatto and the entire Council, for their unwavering support in our efforts to stop Uber from operating illegally on the North Shore. I hope that we can get similar support from our other two municipalities and that they too will pass similar motions and also write to the Minister. I would also like to thank Paul Gill and Charanjit Jawanda of Sunshine Cabs Ltd., for their support and cooperation in this matter.”