Premier David Eby draws slight pre-election bump: Angus Reid Institute poll

AN Angus Reid Institute (ARI) poll shows that for BC NDP leader David Eby the data from his home province represents a slight boost of confidence against a vote intention trend that has seen his party give ground to the provincial Conservatives. Eby’s approval bumps up slightly from 43 to 46 per cent compared to the last quarter.

The ARI conducted an online survey from September 12-18 among a representative randomized sample of 3,985 Canadian adults who are members of Angus Reid Forum. The margin of error for B.C. is plus or minus 4 per cent.

ARI noted that Eby is just weeks away from an election, expected October 19, and has made headlines in recent days with high-profile policy changes. Eby announced that if re-elected his party will end the provincial “consumer” carbon tax – supposing that the federal mandate is removed in the future – and only retain the tax on “big polluters”.

This, and an announcement to support mandatory treatment of those with severe mental health and addictions issues, have the opposition casting the label of “flip-flopper”, but the reversals have not negatively impacted views of the premier at this point. Eby sees a slight bump up to 46 per cent approval, a number right around his average over the past two years.