Punjabi-speaking fake bridesmaids needed for only $20 a day!


AN ad on Craigslist has attracted mainstream media attention as the bride-to-be  is appealing for bridesmaids – preferably Punjabi-speaking – for 20 bucks a day, though that is negotiable – and of course food and drinks will be free.

Thad says: “I need bridesmaids for my wedding, I already have one but I’m 5 short. The groom is really popular and already has 6 groomsmen and I want the wedding pictures to look nice so we need an even number.”

Among the requirements:

* Must be willing to appear at all events (Between Aug 24-30)

* No one taller than one 5’5 or shorter than 5’0

* Must be sizes 0-6 (I buy the dresses)

* Must be a good liar and actor

* Must be willing to memorize info about me

* An agreeable personality, from a respectable family

* Must be anywhere from 27-33 years old

* Must be attractive but not too attractive

The ad adds: “You will have a higher chance of being considered if you send a picture. Must be willing to do an interview.”

Well, on Tuesday, after all the media publicity, the posting had been flagged for removal from the site.