THE Rakhi Project, a Surrey-based domestic abuse awareness initiative, is launching its “I’ll shelter the ones I love” social media photo contest from July 14 to August 10 to stimulate dialogue within the community about domestic abuse.
Entrants are asked to take a photo with a Rakhi Project purple umbrella and tweet or post the photo through Instagram along with the completed phrase: “I’ll shelter the ones I love because _________ #RakhiProject”.
Watch for the umbrella displays at the following locations:
* Surrey RCMP Main Detachment – July 14-August 10
* SFU Surrey – July 14-July 21
* Surrey Fusion Fest – July 19 and 20
* Surrey City Hall – July 28 – August 10
* Downtown Surrey BIA Movies Under the Stars – August 2 and 9
The purple umbrellas symbolize protection and Surrey’s Coalition Against Domestic Abuse’s work in education.
All entries will be eligible to win prizes including Rakhi Project purple umbrellas and gift cards.
For more information about The Rakhi Project and to view the Freeze Mob Umbrella video that launched the 2014 campaign, visit: