THE Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT), which was deployed to Pitt Meadows after the body of a deceased man was located on Monday, has identified the homicide victim as 31-year-old Randy Semotiuk of Maple Ridge in hopes of advancing their investigation.
On April 17, the Ridge Meadows RCMP were advised by a community partner, that a 31-year old, unhoused man from Maple Ridge had not been seen for several days. As this was deemed uncharacteristic, the Ridge Meadows RCMP, who knew the individual, made proactive patrols in an attempt to locate him.
At approximately 12 p.m., Ridge Meadows RCMP members found the man deceased in the 19800-block of Lougheed Highway in Pitt Meadows. Injuries observed by the members lead them to believe the man was the victim of a homicide. IHIT took conduct of the investigation and continues to work closely in partnership with the Ridge Meadows RCMP, BC Coroners Service and the Integrated Forensic Identification Section (IFIS).
“We are at the onset of this investigation,” said IHIT Sgt. Timothy Pierotti. “Investigators will remain in the area canvassing for witnesses and collecting evidence throughout the week, as we work to build a timeline of events that led to Mr. Semotiuk’s untimely death.”
IHIT is asking anyone with information who has yet to speak with police to contact the IHIT Information Line at 1-877-551-IHIT (4448) or email at