THE Surrey Langley SkyTrain project continues to move forward with a new round of public engagement that started on Friday. This round of public engagement offers a look at new station designs and seeks feedback on construction management plans. Engagement runs between September 18 and October 4.
“The Surrey Langley SkyTrain is a key priority for the region to help manage future planned growth so it is important that we get the project shovel-ready,” said TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond. “While we deferred this round of public engagement from spring to fall due to COVID-19, we are keen to resume this work and forge ahead safely. That is why we are working with senior governments to prepare for project approval so that we can then start the procurement process to secure a project contractor for construction.”

The Mayors’ Council and TransLink’s Board of Directors endorsed the project’s business case in January 2020, which is currently under review by senior governments. TransLink is moving forward with this step now as it continues to evaluate its financial position and determine when procurement can commence.
With approximately $1.63 billion in available funding, subject to business case approval by senior governments, the full line could be constructed in stages.
This round of public engagement seeks feedback on how TransLink can:
* Minimize construction impacts on local traffic.
* Effectively communicate with businesses and residents.
* Incorporate the character of surrounding neighbourhoods in public art opportunities at the new SkyTrain stations.
Feedback will help to inform project planning. Until October 4, we invite the public to take the online survey, participate in a telephone town hall and webinar, and view new station designs.
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