PRIME Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday issued the following statement on Pakistan’s Independence Day:
“Today, we join Pakistani communities across Canada and around the world in celebrating Pakistan’s Independence Day.
“Canada and Pakistan are long-standing partners with deep ties between our people. Today, Canada is home to over 300,000 Canadians of Pakistani origin who are deeply woven into our country’s fabric and make our country a more prosperous, diverse, and inclusive place.
“Since establishing diplomatic relations in 1947 – shortly after Pakistan achieved independence – our two countries have collaborated on key international priorities, including peacekeeping, fighting climate change, and promoting regional security and stability. We will continue to work with Pakistan on our shared priorities, such as enhancing climate resilience, strengthening trade relations, promoting democracy, protecting human rights, and advancing gender equality.
“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I extend my best wishes to everyone celebrating Pakistan’s Independence Day.”

Photo: Conservative Party
PIERRE Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, said in a statement:
“Today, on the anniversary of their independence, people in Pakistan will come together for flag-raising ceremonies, parades and celebrations, affirming their fierce pride in their history and their commitment to their democracy.
“Here in Canada, Pakistani communities from coast to coast to coast will be holding festivities of their own, honouring the deep bonds of heritage and culture that unite them with their homeland and with the Pakistani diaspora around the world.
“For over 75 years, Canada has been incredibly blessed to welcome thousands of Pakistanis who have brought the richness of their culture to our shores. Over generations, they have claimed their place in our Canadian family, helping build strong and thriving communities in every corner of our country.
“Today, Pakistani Canadians continue to enrich our neighbourhoods as business owners, professionals, faith leaders, and volunteers committed to making Canada a freer and more welcoming place for everyone. As Canadians continue to face the affordability challenges of our time, and Pakistanis yearn for democracy and stability in Pakistan, these Canadians have drawn on the strength of their community and helped spread hope by generously sharing the beauty of their heritage with their neighbours.
“To those celebrating here in Canada, in Pakistan and around the world, Happy Pakistan Independence Day!”