For two decades, the Vancouver Real Estate Forum has been bringing together the biggest names and most insightful experts on real estate development and investment in Canada. This year the Forum returns February 20th, 2014 at the Vancouver Convention Centre West with its most fast-paced, information-packed program to date.
Top industry leaders and decision-makers will come together in a dynamic discussion exploring trends, key issues, and opportunities facing real estate professionals today in this ever-changing market. Investors, developers, brokers and professionals in every facet of commercial, industrial, and investment real estate are invited to celebrate 20 years of Vancouver’s largest annual conference on real estate management and investment issues.
Confirmed topics include:
• A 12-month comparison: What is the economic outlook for Canada and the U.S.?
• Is BC open for business? How does BC’s resource sector affect the real estate market?
• A global perspective on Vancouver real estate
• The Vancouver hangover: The changing Vancouver office market
• Heading to the ‘burbs? Which markets are poised to attract and accommodate our region’s future growth?
• Report card time: How is the market responding to mixed-use communities?
• An industrial discussion: Where will the next wave of value growth come from?
• New rental construction: Finally breaking ground
• U.S. retailers in a very different Canadian market: What have they learned and what will they do going forward?
• 20/20 vision: An executive’s perspective
In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Vancouver Real Estate Forum will be co-located with BUILDEX Vancouver – celebrating its 25th anniversary this year – in the industry’s most all-encompassing and largest professional gathering Western Canada has ever hosted.