WorkSafeBC releases new trucking safety videos and information sheets

PROFESSIONAL truck drivers can face on-the-job hazards every day, many of which can arise from work-related activities other than driving, such as strapping a load, using a pry bar, or working with landing gear. WorkSafeBC, in partnership with Safety Driven – Trucking Safety Council of BC, is introducing a new video series and set of corresponding resources to help reduce the risk of injury to drivers.
From 2008-17, the transport truck driver occupation in BC had more than 20,700 time-loss injury claims and 140 work-related deaths. 
Three new information sheets assist employers in providing ways to reduce the risk of injury to truck drivers when using pry bars, working with landing gear, and strapping a load: 


The three new videos were produced which depict the stories of three professional truck drivers whose lives change dramatically after they’re injured on the job: 



  • Joe’s Story: Short-Haul Truck Driver Safety
    Meet Joe: Dog-father, truck driver, cooking show enthusiast. Watch what happens when his life takes a bad turn after he injures his back while operating the landing gear on his trailer.


Visit WorkSafeBC’s Commercial trucking and Transportation information online to learn more, as well as WorkSafeBC has also produced a new online interactive tool, illustrating professional truck driver injury statistics by year, claim type, accident type, gender, age, and sample incident descriptions.